On January 12, Pastor Todd will begin a new 4 week series called “Fact or Friction.”
When we face challenges that feel like friction, things often seem more negative than they really are. But by actively seeking God’s guidance during these times, we can gain a clearer perspective, overcome our stress, and emerge stronger in our faith.
For those who are unable to join us in-person, we encourage you to join us online. You’ll find our live stream available on Facebook on Sundays at 10 a.m. by clicking on the button below. (Please note that having a personal Facebook account is not a requirement for viewing.) If you can’t make it at 10 a.m., you’ll also be able to view a recorded video of the entire service on FB soon after it ends. Or if you simply wish to hear the message, we’ll be loading an audio recording of that under the “Message” banner below, later on Sunday afternoon.
On January 12, the message will be:
Friction in Our Families